

100% programmed to change at your command

Our automated media scheduler allows you to schedule your music video and advertising. Play what you want when you want it!

Our user friendly software allows you to create your own playlists easily and along with the ability to avoid repeats in a set timeframe, it ensures your music is fresh and entertaining at all times.

The Automated Music/Media Scheduler enables you to play your music according to a determined preset schedule. Just turn the system on and the system automatically plays the right music – no more staff playing their lists.

But wait there’s more… All your on-screen digital advertising can also be programmed to display at the right times during the day or week including slides, RSS feeds, ticker, company logos etc.

Let the system drive your sales, adding great reaction marketing. Tell your story and really speak to your customers in a way previously not even thought of, changing your brand’s profile and transforming your “four walls” marketing campaign.
Automated DJ and Advertising
